"But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today." Deuteronomy 8:18
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE DURING A GLOBAL CRISIS! YOU NEED TO DONATE FACE MASKS AND NOT SELL THEM!!" As I read the irate message that flashed across my computer, I took a deep breath. I knew a reaction like this would come. In fact, I'd already had the conversation in my mind: "Should I?" or "Shouldn't I?" about a business move that could potentially bless me and my husband greatly. The business move was whether or not to create and sell fabric face masks. Currently, the Center for Disease Control is considering the recommendation that everyone wears some mask or barrier on their face for protection against Covid-19. The idea is that some layer of protection may help stop the spread of germs, prevent people from touching their face, and those who are ill, prevent them from spreading the Coronavirus. As you know there has been a nationwide shortage of masks and medical supplies, so many volunteers are sewing face masks for healthcare workers and those on the front lines. As a third-generation seamstress, and the owner of a small (think: my kitchen serves as my company's 'manufacturing center') sewing business, I knew I could churn out the fabric face masks professionally ane efficiently; and price them fairly to receive a nice profit. My assumption was right. In one week, I exceeded my sales from last year. Now, granted I didn't do a lot of sewing last year, but my sales were enough to catch the attention of my husband, who immediately paused his quarantine routine, to help with deliveries and post office runs. I share all of this with you because in the midst of my success. In the middle of the sounds of cha-ching and the pings from my phone indicating a sale; as I spent many nights hunkered over my machine and surrounded by swaths of fabric and success. I started to feel.....guilty and unworthy about making money. Here I was FINALLY making money in my sewing business andI felt burdened with guilt. Feelings that I didn't deserve to have success; especially when so many people were globally hurting and in distress. Perhaps, I should SEW and SOW my fabric face masks to hospitals and healthcare workers , like many others were doing. I thought like this for a few seconds but then I had a "Come to Jesus" moment and I am sharing my story with you so you won't ever have to feel guilty, or embarrassed about making money. Scripture lets us know that Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He is always looking for some opening to make us feel accused or condemned. Satan used the irate email-writer to send me the angry email as a way to get my focus off of what God was doing in my life. You see, for YEARS I have prayed for an increase. For years, I have sat in my kitchen on many late nights, sewing garments, lap scarves, pillowcases (anything I could sell) for a small profit. For years, I have prayed over my hands and asked God to bless me with creativity and to enlarge my territory so I can live abundantly and give abundantly. What the email-person didn't know is that I had sewn and sown (given) fabric face masks for healthcare workers. I had given some away because I love to give and I live to give. That's just me. But even if I hadn't, that would be okay too, because true giving must comes from the heart, and there are many ways to give. I've learned through this experience, that people will try to pressure you to give what they want you to give; nevertheless, you don't have to bow to their pressure. Through this experience, I have realized that God had called me to BUSINESS and as His daughter in business, it is okay to make money. Businesses should make a profit (that's why they are businesses and not hobbies) and God wants me (and you!) to make a profit. It is not His will for His people to feel: condemned, ashamed, embarrassed or guilty about making money; in fact, those feelings come from the pit of hell and not from God. Has God called you to own a business? Has he called you to ministry and highlighted a potential stream of income that can help fund your ministry? God wants you to know that it is okay for you to make money. He gives you permission to make a lot of money and to be financially successful. Why does God want you financially prosperous? So you can be part of the engine that fulfills His Kingdom purposes. Last summer I went to Uganda on a mission trip with Camp David. While there, I helped teach teens how to sew. Upon my return to the United States, my heart's desire was to adopt a child by becoming a sponsor by sending a pledged amount each month to go toward their schooling and housing. Because my finances were so tight, I was hesitant about making the financial commitment. I couldn't guarantee that I would have the monthly amount in my account each month on the withdrawal date. Now, with the recent increase through my business, I have been able to adopt a child and pay for their sponsorship for the next four months. In addition to sponsoring a child, I was also able to bless my church, a hairstylist out of work and several others because of the profits I have received in my business. I don't share this to toot my own horn, but to simply say that God gives us creative ideas and witty inventions, so we may prosper and bless His Kingdom. God wants you to make money. He wants you to have an increase. He wants you to be prosperous, so you can in turn, be a blessing to His Kingdom. I pray this encourages you to pray boldly for finances and an overflow of finances into your household, business, and ministry. I also pray that my testimony frees you from any condemnation, guilt or shame when God begins to answer your prayer. God has given you the power to get wealth. Ask Him for creative ideas and opportunities to make income, and He will bless you. God loves you and He is for you. For more information about Kacie, and to check out her fabric face masks, visit her online store at www.SuchALadyOnlineBoutique.com

(The kids in Uganda heard about me making fabric face masks in the U.S. so they sewed theirs!
For more information about Kacie, and to check out her fabric face masks, visit her online store at www.SuchALadyOnlineBoutique.com