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10 Reasons Christians Shouldn't Have Sex Before Marriage

Writer: Kacie Starr LongKacie Starr Long

 Satan is deceptive and if you aren't careful He will twist God's Word and try to make it into truth. Sometimes when in the midst of a battle, you just need to be reminded and reinforced of what God's Word says about an issue. Hence, the subject for today's blog post. 

10 Reasons Why Christians Shouldn't Have Sex Before Marriage 

1. The Bible speaks against this, clearly. God created sex to be enjoyed by a man and woman within the covenant of marriage. Any sexual activity outside the covenant of marriage is referred to as "sexual sin" or "sexual immorality" as discussed in Scripture here and here and here in the Bible. 

2. Sex was created for Marriage. Despite what the world may say or demonstrate. Regardless of what is seen in movies and on television. Sex was created by God to be enjoyed within the covenant of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 says that marriage is "to be held in honor" and that "the marriage bed shall be undefiled by immorality or any sexual sin." The word undefiled means pure. You don't defile yourself or the sacredness of marriage by engaging in a marriage act, like sex, before its time.  

3. Pre-Marital Sex Clouds Decision Making. You may think you are making the right decision. After all, "everyone" is doing it" or "you're going to get married anyway" but the Bible is clear about not awakening love before it's time. Sex outside of marriage is a sin, and when we sin it can open up the door to fear, confusion, drama, and regret. 


4. Pre-Marital Sex May Open Doors to Soul-Ties. Soul ties are two soul ties tied together in the spiritual realm. We see this in marriage when man and woman are joined together as husband and wife. They are no longer two people but they have become one flesh. Sexual activity as it was designed within marriage, models this passage of scripture. When sex happens outside of marriage, soul-ties may form. These are not godly and are demonic in nature. You have now become spiritually and emotionally attached to another person that is not your husband or wife which may open the door to strongholds and demonic warfare. For more teaching about this topic, I encourage you to view teaching my husband and I did "5 Ways to Sever Ungodly Soul Ties."

5. God Has Called You to Be Holy. As a Christian, you are called to be different from the world. The world doesn't believe or follow the Bible, but YOU do. You are a believer. You believe in the Bible and God calls His people to "be holy because I am holy."  Are you perfect? No. Will you make mistakes? Yes. However, as a Christian, it is important to not intentionally sin or disregard God's Word about not having sex outside of marriage. 

6. Your Body is a House for the Holy Spirit. You will get tempted, you will feel natural urges and desires, however, the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you. Your body is a home for the Holy Spirit and He will keep you pure if you desire to be pure. (Remember: 1 Corinthians 10:13) 1 Corinthians 6:18 says to "run away from sexual immorality..." that might mean you have to break away from tempting situations. You desire to keep your body pure and a clean house for the Holy Spirit --God will see this and I believe will reward you for this.  

7. Avoid Shame, Guilt and Regret. Sin may be pleasurable for a time but ultimately Satan comes in and brings overwhelming feelings of shame, embarrassment and regret. God brings conviction, but Satan brings condemnation.

If not dealt with by asking and receiving God's forgiveness for your sins, Satan's condemnation may cause a deeper spiral into sin creating further distance between you and God. You know the feeling, "Well, I have already sinned and made God angry so I might as well just keep sinning." This is a tactic of Satan's.

If you have sinned in the area of pre-marital sex, 1 John 1:9 tells us that when we confess our sins, God's forgives us, and cleanses us and leads us into righteousness. The important key is to: confess your sins to God and do not sin anymore. 

8. Sex Is Worth the Wait. There is nothing like having sex within the covenant of marriage. There is no guilt, and there is no shame. Sex is beautiful, there is freedom within the covenant of your marriage, and it is enjoyable. Trust me. It is worth the wait! Psalm 84:11 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly."

9. God Has Graced You For This. Satan will try to tell you that's impossible to not have sex before marriage. He will tell you that you're too old for this, too young for this, that you will lose your partner, that you'll never get married doing this...Satan will do everything he can to stop you from being in the perfect will of God.

I want to encourage you that God has graced you for this. His Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you, He has led you to this blog post for a specific reason: He has graced you to live holy, pure and undefiled before Him. You can do this. You are His child. Make up your mind and build your faith that you can abstain from sex until you are married. 1 Corinthians 15:10

10. God Wants His Best For You. God isn't arbitrary. He isn't withholding something from you to be mean or ornery. No, that isn't how God works. He loves you and He desires the best for you.

God knows that as His child, when you engage in activity outside of His will, that opens the door to danger and destruction in your life.

God placed this particular title on my heart to combat the deceptive lies and untruths that Satan tries to sow in believers' hearts and minds.  God loves you. He has a beautiful marriage designed and created just for you. Trust Him and His timing. Don't rush things and don't engage in behavior that is outside His will. Enjoy God's best for you within His boundaries and timing. 

Have you engaged in pre-marital sex? Good news, there is no condemnation in Christ. Pray a prayer of repentance and ask God for forgiveness and strength to walk a path of purity and holiness. He will help you! 

Dear God, I love you and I have sinned against you. I acknowledge that I have sinned against my body and against you, and I am sorry. I repent of this behavior. Forgive me, God. Your word says that if I ask for forgiveness, then you will forgive me. Right at this moment, I receive your forgiveness. Your word says that as far as the east is to the west, you do not remember my sins.

Thank you Father that you don't see my faults. I ask God that you give me the strength and the wisdom to live Holy and upright. Help me to flee temptation and to close any doors that are open in my life that allow the flesh to rule over me. Father, help me to walk by your Spirit. I need you. And I know that because I am calling out to you, you will answer and hear me. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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Kacie Starr Long is an author, talk show host and the proud wife of Alfred T. Long Sr. When not writing, Kacie enjoys sewing. She is the founder of Sew Hope, a sewing school for previously incarcerated men and women. Connect with Kacie at and via her YouTube page for more inspiration and encouragement.

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